About Us

17. leden 2011

Czech Radio Jazz is a public-radio station oriented primarily towards a young-thinking jazz audience. Our aim is to provide quality and up-to-date jazz news. Our target group: a listener, 25-60 years old, with a pronounced jazz flair, active jazz concerts visitor with higher-than-average interest in culture.

Our musical output is a truly eclectic mix of Jazz covering all genres and designed to generate listening hours throughout the day and build reputation at night and throughout the weekend by offering a substantial amount of specialist programming.

Czech Radio Jazz broadcasts 24 hours a day digitally (DAB, DVB-T, DVB-S) and on the Internet. It has a distinctive European focus, which makes it quite unique and well recognizable in the vast majority of jazz radio stations.

Namely it means: • About 20% of Czech jazz, 40% of other European jazz and 30-40% of American jazz in the whole broadcasting time.

• The program cannot be circumvented without American jazz (if only because American artists may be more recognizable for the audience), but the ratio would mean that the European jazz would have been on the same level as American jazz in the broadcasting time.

• The ratio may of course vary depending on the situation, or set up differently depending on the part of the day.

• The proportion of Czech jazz is fully adequate to its promotion abroad.

The European character of the radio is also reflected in the thematic blocks. For example, the European Wave hour presents jazz from various European countries at a specific time (every day at 12:00).

Czech Radio Jazz is a member of the European Broadcasting Union. Thanks to this membership we can broadcast exclusive live recordings from various countries in our Jazz Club music show.

How to listen

You can listen to Euro Jazz online via the Czech Radio website or at Delicast network.You can download the stream to your audio player (Winamp, Real Player, iTunes..) or Wi-fi radio directly. Here are the URLs of the streams:

MP3 128https://api.play.cz/radio/crojazz128.mp3.m3u

AAC 128https://api.play.cz/radio/crojazz128.aac.m3u

WMA 128https://api.play.cz/radio/cro-jazz128.asx

Program blocks

• The basics form accessible blocks of Modern mainstream – this block presents mainly quality jazz (including straight-ahead, world jazz, funk jazz, jazz rock) • At night and in the evening: jazz blocks for more experienced listeners (including free jazz). • In the morning, at night and at noon: blocks of older music – Mostly Bop, Hard bop hour, Swing Only • Enhanced Thematic Selections: one-hour evening blocks of European jazz, Czech jazz, Free jazz and experimental, Nu Jazz and Electronic, Pop - Jazz Hour.Live concerts recordings from the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) or Czech Radio production. • You can find the complete daily program here.


We also want to hear from you – your feedback is important to us. (Email/ Facebook / Twitter / Youtube)

autor: Petr Vidomus
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